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Number of posts : 32
Age : 36
Registration date : 2008-06-02

PostSubject: RULES & REGULATIONS   RULES & REGULATIONS Icon_minitimeThu Jun 05, 2008 4:20 pm

1. Do NOT advertise other servers here

2. Do NOT flame

3. Do NOT spam posts

4. Respect other players and especially GMs

5. Make sure that you post in the correct category/forum

Regulations Forum,
By registering at the Forum accept all points of these Regulations. They may not be any discussion, and they will be punished by breaking Administrators and / or Moderator.

Regulations that apply unchanged throughout the Forum. If you let changed.

Admin is not Santa Claus - not gifts spends. Unless zasłużycie, then the "gift" to be paid by you will receive.

Before you ask for help in the forum try to resolve their problem on their own. May be helpful: FAQ, old topics, articles. You should also take advantage of the option "search". Please note that the answer to many questions can be found at or Show that you solve some problems alone.

Before you decide to set up a new topic, use search or manually search the forum, to see whether a similar no longer exists. Mirrored topics will be erased, unlike those who will disappear, decide Administrators and / or moderators.

Before the Building make sure that you're doing it in the appropriate section.

Do not repeat its response after predecessors - if a few people already granted a similar response to a question, you do not need to once again confirm this.

Keep always wisely and in accordance with the subject.

Boredom? It did not say stupid posts, only read one book or watch television.

It is forbidden to use avatar (as well as sygnaturek and other images) of the content vulgar, sexually explicit or obrażającej other person.

It is prohibited to use avatars similar to avatar Admin and Moderator (an avatar similar to the same Admin and Moderator).

Thinking himself nickname (sux) on the forum, select one that is clearly distinguishable from nicków Administrators and the Moderator, and also, possibly, other members of the Forum.

It is prohibited to use nick vulgar, sexual content, or obrażających others.
When choosing a nickname on the forum, remember that it is not hindering the discussion. Accounts of nicks (lol, das@#, ddsds55341^&%) will ban indisputably. The same goes for accounts with "Chinese stamps" and all for which administrators and / or moderators will have any doubts.

It is forbidden to advertise their own services and for whatever their theme. If you want to website as your page, you can set it in the profile itself as a homepage, and possibly give a Link in the signature. It is also prohibited to set up their own radio advertising themes Internet. This also includes links to online auctions, with the exception of trade categories.

It is prohibited to affix to the Forum infected files and / or links to sites containing such files. The consequence of breaking this point is the life ban.
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